2023 PBL Poster Contest

Submission Deadline: Sunday march 12th, 2023

Co-hosted by: The Pennsylvania Society for Biomedical Research (PSBR).

Generously sponsored by: Incyte, and Americans for Medical Progress.

Eligibility: All students in Delaware including (but not limited to): public and private schools, home and cyber schools, and youth organizations.

Details: Discover the connection between biomedical research and your life! The poster contest provides the opportunity for students to illustrate different aspects of biomedical research and science through art.

Poster Contest Themes:

  • 3 R's: Replacement, Reduction, Refinement

  • Advancements in Biotechnology

  • Animal Research Saves Lives

  • Careers in Biomedical Research

  • Veterinary Advancements: Animal Research Helping Animals

Winners: Winners will receive a $100 cash prize, and more!

Please scroll down to learn more about each of these themes.

Poster Components and Requirements: Posters created by students must be their own original artwork. Copyrighted characters (such as Superman) or copyrighted clip art will not be accepted.

1) Materials-

Students may use a variety of media, physical (watercolor, pen and ink, crayon, chalk, markers, etc.) or computer graphics. Remember, brighter colors will reproduce better (i.e. light pencil marks will not show up). Keep in mind, most posters will likely be on public display, and should be easy to see or read.

2) Size & Layout-

Minimum: 8 ½" x 11" - Maximum: 11" x 17"


Landscape Layout ONLY

3) Release Form-

Students must securely attach a signed and completed “Poster Contest Release Form” to the back of their poster.

 4) Judging Criteria-

The poster must meet required judging criteria:

  1. Clear message conveyed by the text and artwork

  2. One of the poster themes is addressed

  3. Creativity, originality and presentation quality

  4. Visual clarity - easily read (will reproduce well for calendar printing)

  5. Bright and colorful

Important Documents:

2023 PBL Poster Contest Details

2023 PBL Poster Contest Release Form

2023 Poster Contest Judging Rubric

2023 PBL Official Contest Rules

Submission Deadline: Sunday march 12th, 2023

Questions?  Email PBLcontests@gmail.com.

Mail Submission: Posters can be mailed to PSBR. A “Poster Contest Release Form” must be securely attached to the back of the poster. Submissions that are postmarked by 11:59pm on March 12, 2023 (but received after) will be eligible to win.

Mailing Address: PSBR, Attn: PBL Poster Contest, PO Box 1163, Camp Hill, PA 17001-1163

Digital Submission: Digital posters and the “Poster Contest Release Form” can be emailed to PBLcontests@gmail.com.

Subject Line: PBL Poster Contest

Print a flyer to post in your classroom or share with friends!

Click here to see our Contest winners.

"Biomedical Research Saves Lives" Poster Contest Resources

See PSBR’s "Animal Research" site for information about animal research.

See "Biomedical Research Information" under our "Resources” tab to see websites, videos, blogs, and PDFs with facts about biomedical research and animals.

Theme Background and Ideas: Here are some suggestions for poster ideas, but students are free to use their imagination, as long as the basic theme is addressed.

 Animal Research Saves Lives!

Virtually every major medical advancement of this century was made possible through research with animals. Your poster can feature a specific disease like polio or diabetes. You might illustrate how life is different today due to cures or treatments available for these diseases. Or you can feature a personal story of how animal research (or a medical treatment or cure) has affected you or a close relative.

Advancements in Biotechnology

Amazing advancements in biotechnology have resulted through animal research everything from developing mice that offer models for human diseases to the “pill cam" and functional artificial body parts! Your poster can feature one of the biotechnological advancements that are helping people or animals today (or will be in the future).

Careers in Biomedical Research

Most people think of a scientist or a doctor when considering a career in science. There is a very long list of careers that meet a wide range of interests these careers also advance medicine and science and help people and animals live longer, healthier lives. Some examples are: bioengineers, animal care technicians, veterinary technicians, veterinarians, hematologists, immunologists, many other “ologists," pharmacists, computer specialists, regulatory officers and inspectors, and more! Your poster can feature one or more science careers that support the advancement of medicine and/or science.

Veterinary Advancements: Animal Research Helping Animals

Veterinarians, regardless of their field of practice, all play a significant role in human health and animal health. Our pets and other animals in our society benefit from animal research too! Vaccines, antibiotics, and advancements in surgery have all lead to longer, healthier lives for animals. Your poster can show benefits for animals, feature a specific advancement, or share a specific story that has affected the life of an animal you know. 

3 R's: Replacement, Reduction, Refinement

A widely accepted ethical framework for conducting scientific experiments using animals.  Your poster can feature one of the many ways researchers use the 3 R's.  Replacement refers to methods that avoid or replace the use of animals in scientific research by using other methods such as in vitro cell culture, computer modeling, or human volunteers.  Reduction refers to methods which minimize animal use and enable researchers to obtain comparable levels of information from fewer animals, or to obtain more information from the same number of animals.  Refinement refers to methods which minimize actual or potential pain, suffering, distress, and/or improve animal welfare in situations where the use of animals is unavoidable.